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- Adelaide Casino
- Adelaide City Council
- Adelaide Oval
- Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) in its own right and on behalf of state, regional and city tourism organisations and tourism industry councils Australia-wide. Registered presenter for ATECs KITE program.
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Australia’s Oyster Coast
- Avana Learning Pty Ltd on behalf of state and regional organisations, tourism industry councils, indigenous operators and individual companies Australia-wide.
- Australian Outback Travel (AOT)
- Bateman’s Bay Soldiers Club and Esplanade Hotel
- Big4 Holiday Parks
- Brisbane Marketing
- Bundaberg Council and Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism
- Business SA
- Canberra Rex Hotel
- China Digital Agency (previously Itours)
- Choice Hotels
- City of Adelaide
- Daydream Island Resort & Spa
- Destination Melbourne
- Destination NSW (and previously Tourism NSW)
- Destination Port Stephens
- Gold Coast Holiday Park
- Grollo Group
- Eurobodalla Shire Council
- Featherdale Wildlife Park
- Fitzroy Island
- Mildura Tourism
- NSW Business Chamber Tourism Industry Division
- NSW Trade & Investment
- Northern Territory Tourism
- Pialligo Estate
- Royal Australian Mint
- South Australian Tourism Commission
- South Coast Tourism
- Southern Travel Holdings
- Sovereign Hill
- Skills Tasmania / Department of State Growth
- Sunshine Coast Tourism
- Tangalooma Resort
- Tourism and Events Queensland
- Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania
- Tourism Victoria
- Victorian Tourism Industry Council
- Victorian Tourism North East
- Visit Canberra
- Visit Sunshine Coast
- Wine Australia
- Wrest Point
- Young Shire Council
- Youth Hostels of Australia