Fastrak BUILDING Asia


These programs offer a comprehensive range of strategic services that can assist individual businesses in moving forward to grow their business of Chinese travelers from the Asia region. These programs are offered as complete business solutions, specific to company needs. They can be tailored to suit companies just entering new markets or those that have been operating for some time and are seeking options to increase their competitive advantage and/or assist further expansion.

Services include:

    • Market assessments and analysis (One-on-Ones)
    • Strategy development


We help you work through the maze of opportunities (and there are lots of them) to identify the best options for your business and the best ways to make them work for you!

Currently our most popular programs are:

One-on-One Assessments

Analysis of the current business and its operations to identify key strengths and weaknesses, short term quick wins, and longer term change requirements relating to adjusting and tailoring service delivery to best meet Chinese traveller needs.

Chinese Visitor Development Plan

A comprehensive review and analysis program (usually requiring on-site visitation and meetings) which leads to delivery of a overall strategic and tactical plan for developing Chinese visitation, covering positioning, distribution, marketing, operating structure, and service capability/requirements.  This program also includes the Selling to China presentation to senior management.

Read what clients say about Fastrak Building Asia

Richard has taken 450 staff through the Asia ready program everyone from housekeepers to kitchen hands to our General Manager. He has provided the Wrest Point team with understanding of the market rather than rules and this has enabled them to apply their knowledge is a wide variety of circumstances and provide our ever increasing number of visitors from  Asia with a great experience.

Megan Thompson, Marketing Manager, Wrest Point

Richard was instrumental in laying the platform for what is now a profoundly important part of the Australian tourism industry. It is not an overstatement to say we would all be poorer-economically and culturally- without his contribution to tourism from Asia to Australia.

John Morse, former Managing Director of Tourism Australia

The South Australian Tourism Commission engaged the services of Fastrak Asian Solutions in 2016/17 to undertake a review of South Australia’s capability to cater for Chinese visitors across the broader visitor economy including Government and Councils; provide a Development Plan for regions and businesses based on this, and deliver a number of workshops across key regions and business sectors to assist understanding of the requirements for success.
The SATC found the depth and quality of the information supplied as part of the review to be excellent. The Plan and associated tools provide a phased development approach, and the SATC has received very positive feedback from those who attended the workshops.
The total project has delivered an end to end program to assist South Australia win its fair share of Chinse visitor and maximise the commercial returns from them.

Rodney Harrex, Chief Executive, South Australian Tourism Commission

In line with the ‘Harnessing our International Relations’ objective in our Economic Development Strategy the Bundaberg Regional Council in partnership with the regional tourism organisation Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism engaged Fastrak Asian Solutions to work with key local tourism operators to prepare both themselves and the region as a China Ready destination.  This “China Tourism Development” initiative developed local businesses capability in hosting Chinese Free and Independent Travellers (FIT) and ensuring all opportunities to cross—promote local attractions were taken to enhance their visitor experience.

Richard has extensive experience in tourism and business in Asia and it was fantastic to be able to share this with local tourism operators in the region.

We would also like to acknowledge the support of the Australia-China Council for enabling this project to happen.

Cameron Bisley, Branch Manager, Commercial Business & Economic Development, Bundaberg Regional Council